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Wednesday, 21 June 2023

PROMOTION OPEN ASSEMBLY Dr. Tommy Andrian, S.E., M.Ak., Cert.DA., MOS., Cert.SF.

The Open Session for the Promotion of Doctor of Economics Concentration in Accounting, FEB, Trisakti University on Wednesday, June 20 2023, was held at Campus A, Hendriawan Sie (S) building, Lt. 8, 118th Graduate, predicate “Very Satisfactory”.

Dissertation titleThe Influence of Green Strategy, Green Social Capital, and Environmental Consciousness on Adoption of Carbon Management Accounting with Green Culture as Moderating Variable

Chairman of final exam Dr. Yolanda Masnita Siagian, M.M., CIRR., CMA., CPM., Promoted Prof. Dr. Etty Murwaningsari, Ak., M.M., CA., and Co-Promoted Dr. Yvonne Augustine Sudibyo, Ak., M.M., CMA., CA., Examiner (1) Dr. Titik Aryati, Ak., M.Si., CA., (2) Dr. Vinola Herawaty, Ak., M.Si., CA., (3) Dr. Lin Oktris, M.Si., CMA., CIBA., CERA., (4) Prof. Dr. Ratlan Pardede, M.M.

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