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Thursday, 28 November 2024

Open Session for Promotion of Doctor of Economics: Dr. Erna, S.E., M.Si.


On Monday, November 25 2024, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Trisakti University held an Open Session for the Promotion of Doctor of Economics with a concentration in Accounting at Campus A, Hendriawan Sie (S) Building, 8th floor. In this event, Dr. Erna, S.E., M.Si. declared to have graduated as a doctor with the title “Very Satisfying”, becoming the 162nd graduate of this doctoral program.

The dissertation entitled “The Influence of Spirit at Work, Psychological Capital and Sustainable Leadership on Job Performance Through Organizational Commitment” examines several factors that influence job performance. This research provides novelty in measuring the spirit at work variable by adding 2 dimensions, namely agility and work life balance.

This session was chaired by the Chair of the Session, Prof. Dr. Yolanda Masnita Siagian, MM., CIRR., CMA., CPM (Asia), Secretary of the Examining Team Prof. Dr. Etty Murwaningsari, Ak., MM., CA, promoter Dr. Murtanto, M. Si., Ak., CA., CPIA., CCFA and co-promoter Dr. Regina Jansen Arsjah, M. Si., Ak., CA. The testing team consists of Dr. Yvonne Augustine S, Ak., MM., CMA; Dr. Muhammad Nuryatno, Ak., MM., CA; Dr. Mulyadi, S.E., M.M., M. Si., Akt., CA., CPMA., SAS; and Dr. Teguh Supangkat, S. E., M.Si., Ak., CA.

Novelty Research by adding the dimensions of agility and work life balance to previous research by V. Kinjerski & Skrypnek (2006) which previously had 4 dimensions, namely the dimension of work involvement (engaging work), the dimension of spiritual connection (spiritual connection), the dimension of feeling of belonging to a community (sense of community) and dimensions of mystical experience. The addition of these 2 new dimensions was carried out in the context of the post-COVID-19 pandemic with the aim of improving job performance.

The research results show that spirit at work, psychological capital, sustainable leadership and organizational commitment have a positive effect on job performance, spirit at work, psychological capital and sustainable leadership have a positive effect on organizational commitment, and spirit at work and sustainable leadership have a positive effect on job performance through organizational commitment. Meanwhile, psychological capital has not been proven to have a positive effect on job performance through organizational commitment.

With this achievement, Dr. Erna, is expected to make a significant contribution to the development of knowledge in the field of management accounting by adding two new dimensions, namely the dimensions of agility and work life balance in spirit at work, providing input for the practice of accounting staff as human resources, making programs effective to increase organizational commitment and provide input to regulators to establish policies to support sustainable human resource management practices in companies.

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