Open Session of Doctoral Promotion in Economics: Dr. Riki Sanjaya, S.E., M.Ak, CAP.
On Thursday, November 14, 2024, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Trisakti University held an Open Session of Doctoral Promotion in Economics with a concentration in Accounting at Campus A, Hendriawan Sie (S) building, 8th floor. In the event, Dr. Riki Sanjaya, S.E., M.Ak., CAP was declared to have graduated as a doctor with the predicate “Cum Laude”, becoming the 159th graduate of this doctoral program.
The dissertation entitled “Virtual Investment Analysis (Metaverse) in Developing PSAK 238 as Part of Future Accounting” examines the Metaverse phenomenon from the aspects of its challenges and benefits as well as the development of PSAK 238 on this phenomenon. This research provides innovation in the development of PSAK 238 from the aspects of recognition, measurement, presentation (consequential amendments to PSAK 201) and disclosure with the scope of research on virtual investments (Metaverse) that are not intended to be traded (non-trading). This session was led by the Chairperson of the Session, Prof. Dr. Yolanda Masnita Siagian, MM., CIRR., CMA, CPMA (Asia), with promoters Prof. Dr. Etty Murwaningsari, Ak., MM., CA and co-promoters Prof. Juniati Gunawan MSi., PhD, MGPS, CSP, CGFS, CRA, CRMP, CGP. The examination team consisted of Dr. Murtanto, Ak., M.Sc., CA., CPIA., CCFA.; Dr. Muhammad Nuryatno, Ak., MM., CA; Dr. Melinda Malau, S.E., M.M., CBV., CFRM., CFA., CPA; and Prof. Ir. Roy Sembel, MBA., Ph.D., CSA., CIB.
Novelty Research by developing PSAK 238 regarding intangible assets from various aspects of accounting standard setting, starting from the recognition aspect, measurement aspect, presentation aspect through consequential amendments to PSAK 201 and disclosure aspect of virtual investment (Metaverse) with non-trading scope through virtual investment analysis (Metaverse) and also the use of documentation study methods and in-depth interviews that have not been conducted on similar research topics. The development of PSAK 238 aims to improve the quality of financial reporting, especially the Metaverse phenomenon with a non-trading scope in order to more accurately represent the phenomena that should be represented and the quality of other information.
The results of the study show that the benefits of using Metaverse exceed its challenges for business, the Metaverse phenomenon with a non-trading scope is more appropriate to use the basis of PSAK 238, and the development of PSAK 238 with a non-trading scope can provide informative information quality.
With this achievement, Dr. Riki Sanjaya is expected to make significant contributions in the field of financial accounting and technology and assist stakeholders, such as companies through earlier business preparation for new technological developments and consideration of accounting treatment for these technological developments, for professional associations and regulators as initial considerations for studies to develop accounting standards based on the development of Metaverse technology that has been proposed in his research and significant contributions for other parties.